Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ready for 2009?

Well, 2008 was a pretty fun year, especially the summer.

I am hoping 2009 will be even better. We have some fun stuff coming up this year. Such as Wes' internship in Houston this summer with ExxonMobil. (Wes said there is no space between Exxon and Mobil.) We are way excited about this because it could mean a permanent job there after he graduates. I am also excited for this fall, because Wes will start his last year of school! Yeah! This summer will be my ten year high school reunion. I'm not going, but still cool to know its been ten years.

Is anyone setting any New Years Resolutions? My 2008 resolution was to not put make-up on in the car (specifically on the way to work) anymore. I am proud to say that I have met this resolution with a 100% success rate. My goal this year is to set out my clothes the night before. I know these goals are very simple and not necessarily life changing, but I like to make resolutions I think I can keep. Plus, I am not much of a 6:00 in the morning kind of person. Anything I can do to help my mornings go smoother and quicker are very good. Well, I don't have too much more to say for now. I just was sick of seeing the Jen and Wes Elfyourself video at the top of our blog.


Nancy said...

I happen to like those goals, Jen. Yes, they seem easy on the surface, but I am a creature of habit and I think trying to set my clothes out every night would be ridiculously hard. At night, I usually stay up too late on the couch watching the news and stuff I don't even care about just to have some relax time. By the time I actually floss, brush my teeth, put in the retainer, say my prayers, pray with Bradyn and get my jammies on, I don't have enough left in me to make a decision about what I will wear the next day and set out. So, long story short, way to tackle a hard goal!

Super Angie said...

We are so excited for your internship!!!!! Although, we are seriously bummed about it being in Texas. :( We will greatly miss our annual Harris-Alston summer extravaganza.

I think your resolutions sound great! It's all about baby steps. I'm especially glad to hear that you won't be putting on makeup in the car anymore. As someone who once used to apply mascara while driving, I can vouch for the pure un-safety of that activity...

Nancy said...

I think you two should add a playlist to your blog. You know a little music in the background as we peruse your blog. I happen to think I might like the songs you pick and I am in need of ideas for my playlist. hint hint

Anonymous said...

Jen, it sounds like you need a blaring rendition of "Rise and Shine because its another day in which to excel" blasted at you about 5:00 a.m. every morning to assist you in getting up timely. Would you like for me to call you every morning and deliver it?

Little Old Man in Waiting

Aggieland Mom said...

I think those are very worthy goals Jen. I haven't even thought about a resolution yet this year... I'm saving it for after this baby is born, which it will be, loose baby weight as quick as possible and be in shape for the summer. I know, lame, another weight-loss goal. I plan to bounce back faster than last time though, hopefully! Btw, LOVE the gingerbread houses!