What ARE these ugly brass and crystal lamps? I found these at a local thrift shop for $4 a piece, all of the electrical components still worked. Although, I had to take the whole lamp apart 3-5 times (it was a learning process). I am now an excellent lamp electrician. I feel confident that I could fix any lamp at your house that is not working for less than $5 and in about 10 minutes. My hard work was not in vain, take a look at them now!

Aren't they so beautiful and elegant looking?

This one, Wes actually found when we went to a Salvation Army store. We're going to make it our craft table, so we can keep the kitchen table cleared off from crafts such as spray painted lamps, building Catan boards, and Hagrid's Huts. Here it is in its dirty, just left the thrift store state.
It opens up with a hidden leaf that stays under the table to a huge 5' by 5' square. Otherwise its 3' by 5'.
We shined it up with Orange Glo (my favorite furniture polish) and it looks great. Although, I don't think its going to stay this color forever. I might make it my first painted furniture project. We'll see. Overall, not bad for $45! Good find Wes!
That's all for now, except here's a few of Scarlett (for the grandparents)!