Don't worry when it comes to the big purchase I will be looking to Jennifer for design approval. Today was my last day of classes for the semester. I looked at my last blog entry and it was before the semester started.....coincidence? I think not.

Jennifer Harris
711 Sprite Circle
Star Sprinkles, Rainbowland

Wesley Harris
1212 Harris-End
The Shire, Middle-Earth
I'll take the one on the bottom. It looks more spacious for 3 rambunctious boys and the utility bill has got to be lower considering it is buried in the earth. That first one, though, calls to my perfectionistic inner self. And the rainbow nerd walkway can't be beat.
Nice work Wes. I have struggled over the years to come up with innovative construction methods. You've inspired me.
Leave it to Wes to engineer another modern graham cracker marvel.
So Wes, is that a Hobbit house or what? They're both pretty "sweet" though! Hah!
Wow Jen and Wes. I am not surprised at the amount of creativity from both of you. They look awesome! Probably talent that was picked up from those cake decorating classes you took. How can I get to Rainbowland? Love you guys!
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