Legend: Outer ring to Inner ring
- Title
- Page Count
- Rating (5 is the best)
- Genre
- Format (not correlated to other rings)
75% Speculative Fiction
21% Non-Fiction
4% Thriller
- Finally got around to reading the Alcatraz books. It turns out that Sanderson is a genius at silly as well--lots of fun.
- Read Spiderwick to Scarlett and Desmond; although we haven't delivered on our promise to let them watch the movie as it still looks a bit too scary for even for Scarlett. Seems like these books should have targeted an older audience (4th grade maybe?) and been one book.
- King's 11.22.63 was something new, great read.
- Loved my history reads this year; Franklin by Walter Isaacson, in particular was incredible.
- Siddhartha's The Gene took everything I had from biology and added to it. Enjoyed how he wove cultural and religious background as context to the scientific developments.
- Really enjoyed Meyer's book The Chemist in a different field.
- Another genius installment from the Gentleman Bastards series; looking forward to more.
- Finished a couple of fantastic trilogies: The Reckoners and Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne
- Marie Kondo might have some sort of cleaning mental illness (my thought not hers) but I did learn a very satisfying way to fold towels and to get rid of things that don't make me happy.
While not 2014, still a good solid year. I had an uptick in reading magazines in 2015 (not captured in my book charts). In 2016, I used my new Bose headphones to watch a lot more TV shows. This year was by far the biggest percentage of audiobooks partially due to working a lot; if not for reading to the kids and a couple ebooks on plane rides I might have been 100% audio.