I have discovered the most fabulous website. It is called AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com. It is hil-ar-i-ous! I have clocked many hours scrolling through the pictures and the comments. The readers of AFP.com are some pretty witty people. To accompany this post I would love to post some of my own awkward family photos, but I am still in Texas, so those will have to come later. Take a moment to stroll over to the site and see a few funny pics. They'll make you laugh.
Below, is an example picture from the site. This one is kind of bitter-sweet...poor girl. Although, I love that the frog legs are straight up in the air. They get even better.

oh my gosh, that's hilarious. i always laugh so hard when i see stuff like this on america's funniest home videos. people (yes, even kids) that biff flat on their face and like skid because of the force/gravity. oh my gosh, i love it. i'll go check it out.
i discovered this page a couple months ago and just cant stop laughing all the pictures are AWESOME
I am glad you are finding ways to amuse yourself to stay out of the HEAT of Texas.
Tell Wes that Exxon rocks. Cheapest gas around here, go figure.
Love you, Mom
I'm obsessed. And she really does look like a frog! I think the most awkward still have to be the naked pregnant pictures.
I love that website. My favorite is the picture of the two sets of twins dating one another!
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