I realized two things tonight--yes, two things in one night. First, I haven't posted anything for a while and second I haven't posted any pictures from my internship with ExxonMobil's Gas and Power Marketing group in Houston. So here are a few random pictures from the experience.

Jennifer drove down with me (1600 miles) and dropped me off, only to fly back to Utah to finish teaching school. The long distance was helped by playing Peggle (a great game) with Jennifer over Xbox live--made possible by Spencer Wilde (thanks for the Xbox loan) and frequent phone conversations.

Here I am about to enter the Exxon building. I worked on the 35th floor.

After I was made official, I headed up to my office.

Yay for my office...which lasted three weeks and then I was moved out to a general work area with about 50 other people. I got to talk to more people there and I got a window, actually there were windows on all three sides of the open floor.

So I wasn't right by the window but I was fairly close. Houston is home to some great restaurants (Barbecue, Cajun, Vietnamese, Mexican, Crepes, et cetera).

I had never eaten a spring roll before but it was good. One restaurant I went to several times called Bourays served Vietnamese food and Mexican food. 'Yes, I'd like the Egg Roll Vermicelli and the quesadilla please...no wait, let's just go with the pork burrito and a fortune cookie.'

This was one of my tougher days at work. Nothing like a grueling day at a charity golf tournament.

I did Meals on Wheels (bringing food to people) during work hours as well with fellow interns, Jenny from BYU and Alex from Missouri.

Finally Jennifer came down (Yay!!!) and we had a lot of fun. I won us free Astros tickets from an Exxon drawing that put us five seats behind the dugout. The Astros won and they did fireworks. After the game I saw a baseball player carry a three foot snake in from the field and scare one of the officials.

And we worked over the Museum of Natural Science...lots of butterflies, dinosaurs, diamonds, and Terra Cotta warriors. This is an Allosaurus from Wyoming.
Anyways, another 1600 miles later and we are back in Utah. Jennifer is already teaching school and I am spending every waking second working on my graduate thesis...or, well...I'm about to. My final year of MBA classes starts on August 31st, yay! Oh yeah, Exxon offered me a job (double yay)!!!
congrats on the job offer! thats really great!
I appreciate seeing some of your pictures. Wish I'd had them for one of the summer DVDs I did for you all. Oh well, I did my best.
Looks awesome. Easy to hide the heat in photos though :). Thanks for sharing.
Wahooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! We're cheering for you up in Alaska! Although, we have a feeling that our annual summer adventures are about to be permanently disrupted...
Congrats on the job offer! That is awesome! I heard you also have some other big family news to share that isn't on the blog?
pshht. 'oh yeah, by the way...' you are way too modest! congratulations on the job offer. i'm sure it was hard to be away from jen but the experience seems to be quite the exciting one! glad to finally have an update. we miss you guys! haven't played settlers since we left :(
Very awesome Wes!
Wes, I have missed your blogs. Love the pictures of Houston from your office window, even if you are not right beside it. Awesome job offer and the other great news....
Good to see you guys the other day. Houston looks to have been a wonderful experience. Keep in touch, stay close, blog often.
That is so great Wes. We love it here in Texas so I hope that you will too. I am glad to hear that you took advantage of some of the great places to eat, we sure do love the BBQ out here.
We have a few friends that live in Houston, and although it is hotter, and a bit more humid there they still like it. What an exciting adventure for you and Jennifer.
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