Thursday, February 9, 2012

Scarlett's 1st Haircut

This week, I went over to a friend's house to get Scarlett's haircut. There were a few moms from our playgroup getting their kid's hair done as well. They were surprised that Scarlett was almost 2 and had not yet needed a haircut. I thought about it and decided Scarlett just has a LOT less hair than most kids.

Let's review.

She was a little baldie for a long time.

Here she is at four months, there's barely a hair on that bald little head!

Here is my hair pretty close to the same age as Scarlett's is currently.

Do those fine wispy hairs look familiar?

Well, recently I noticed things had started to change when it came to Scarlett's hair. As I downloaded and looked at our Christmas morning pics, this is what I saw. . .

Then, the other day I took a couple pictures of her on the couch.

It was definitely becoming a mullety unruly mess!

So, we cut it. Which she was amazing during. I gave her some goldfish and blueberries to work on and she was good to go!

Here is the final, beautiful bob she is now sporting.


Wes Harris said...

Way cute! I think you should make a picture with you and Scarlett standing next to each other at the same age. It took me a little while to get used to her new haircut, but now I love it!

Nancy said...

Scarlett is a little beauty--or shall I say southern belle, just like her mama.
Smart move with the goldfish and blueberries!

Myrna said...

I like the hair cut. I thought Jen got the hair cut when Jerry asked me if I saw Jennifer's blog and the hair cut. I wasn't even thinking of Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

I love the new hair cut and can't wait to see it in a few weeks. Pooh

MikeS said...

Wow, she barely had her first haircut? Crazy. Cute though.

KuteKings said...

Ahhh, so sweet! I love the new look Scarlett!! I love how grown-up she looks in the black cape. I remember her as a little baby--they grow up too fast, right?!!

Anonymous said...

oh, she is so cute. Love the new look. At the next to the bottom picture, her hair looks like the same color as yours did in your picture. I miss her so much.
