Scarlett finally had her first zoo trip. She really had a lot of fun. Since we have no animals at our house, the only time Scarlett gets to see animals are typically wild ones in our backyard or at the park. They tend to run off really, really fast when they have an overexcited, screaming toddler hurdling toward them. So, she found the zoo and all of its mostly stationary animals to be very exciting. The most excited she got was when an abnormally large and obviously overfed squirrel came up to her and sat on his haunches begging for food. She gave a shriek that probably only dogs could hear when that happened.

Here she is looking at a regular bird instead of the elephant.

Scarlett taking her fist carousel ride, she liked it a lot!

Now, she's waving to all the people waiting in line instead of at the camera and Wes.
She really looks like she is having fun. Only Scarlett would find delight in the squirrels and birds. She at least knew those two unlike boring elephants and giraffes.
Wish I was there.
I can see the mom behind Jennifer is having as much fun as Jennifer is. Both mommies are excited to be out with their child. Thanks for the cute shots.
You two are so cute! Scarlett also crawled through a tunnel inside of a fish tank. I'm pretty sure birds are her favorite right now.
Yeah, a picture of Jen!
It is so fun to see the zoo through the eyes of a child.
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