We walked through the doors of Labor and Delivery at 4:26. They asked how long I had been having contractions and were very unimpressed when I told them 20 minutes. They sauntered me over to a triage room and had me get into one of their lovely hospital gowns. She checked on me and I was already dilated to a 7 and had a "bulging bag"—which means my water was about to break. At that point they kicked into high gear. After seeing me to the triage room Wes had quickly moved the car from the entrance to the parking lot. He barely caught them wheeling me to a delivery room. They kept telling me that I was the exception to the rule and that if I told my friends how fast I had come in they would have seventy moms coming into the hospital way too early.
They debated on whether or not they should call the doctor. My doctor wouldn't be coming since it was Memorial Day, so I had to use the on call doctor. Which was fine with me. As long as she could get the baby safely out of me. At 5:15, I got the epidural and that slowed me down a lot. The anesthesiologist gave me a large dose because they knew I was going to be having the baby very soon and he wanted it to take effect. However, it took a little too good of an effect, because I got the chills, my lips turned blue, my blood pressure dropped drastically, and I couldn't move my legs at all. So, I had him come in and lower the amount of medicine he was giving me. He wasn't very gracious about it. I don't think he liked that I wasn't 100% happy with his administration of the epidural. He did as I asked though, and immediately everything leveled back out and I felt better about having control of my legs again.
At 7:07pm the doctor came in to break my water. At 7:17, Desmond was born. He's got a head full of peach fuzz, white eye lashes, and white eye brows. He's got a perfect little nose, a perfect little mouth, and a perfect little round head!

YAY JENN!!!! So happy for the Harris'!! I LOVE the name Desmond James--such a strong, leader-like name! Congrats my friend! :)
What a cutie. Treasure him now, if you get a chance between feedings and changings.
I loved reading your story. When I saw Wes and Desmond I smiled all over and was so happy to see more pictures. I was reliving the moment of seeing Hyrum since I came right after he was born of Josie. I'm just smiling all over right now and excited. I want to be there. He looks so grown up in his car seat. I can't believe he is only a couple of days old. Two blessed parents and a big sister to have him.
Soooo adorable! He is very blonde! That is just precious to see him nose to nose with Wes and all curled up to Jen. Wish I could be there to meet him in person!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He's truly adorable! I loved your story! Miss u sooo much :)
The pictures do not do him justice. He is just so perfect. I just love him. Scarlett is making a great big sister. Miss you guys. I really enjoyed my visit and seeing my two grandchildren.
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