Finding clothes for all of us to wear was very stressful. Looking at the outfit I finally chose to wear, you wouldn't think that I had gone through 5 options to get to that one, because its kind of plain and simple. We changed Wes' shirt at the last minute and I'm really glad we did. The ones with him and Scarlett just pop because their shirts go so well together!
First, we took some family shots up in our loft.
Then, we did some pictures of just Wes and the kids.
Uh, oh. She couldn't hold Desmond anymore so she got grumpy again.
The photographer came to the rescue by distracting her with Daddy's nose.
And with giving him a kiss!
Wes took some pictures with just Desmond. Desmond gave his best smile during this time.
Wes worked really hard for another one, but Desmond wouldn't budge again.
Next, I got some time with Desmond.
He didn't smile for me either. In fact, I think he's sticking his tongue out at me!
I did get a grimace, but not what I was going for. He's usually so quick to smile, too.
I also did some with just Scarlett. The only way we could get her to sit with me was by bribing her with her favorite and very, VERY loud book.
She was pretty excited for a little while.
But when we tried to turn her attention to the camera, she became a little sour puss again.
We gave up and decided to just let her do her own thing.
She chose to change her baby's diaper. It is one of her favorite pastimes, so I'm actually glad we got it on film.

She takes baby doll diaper changes very seriously!
I love this one of her.
The two together!
Then Scarlett changed clothes at her own insistence. We went downstairs and she took some pictures in her beloved playroom.

She always sticks her play food and dishes in her mouth. So, if you ever come to our house beware of any play food because I can guarantee it has been licked, bitten, and sucked on.
After playing in the playroom, we went and gave Desmond a bath. This kid needs daily baths because he spits up all day long. It doesn't bother him at all, but at any given point during the day you can see about a tablespoon of fluid pouring down his chin. It can be right after I fed him or two hours, it doesn't matter! Anyway, without a daily bath, he stinks really bad. And he is just too cute to be stinky! Also, Scarlett loves to help with bath time.
Scarlett taking her feet washing job with the upmost seriousness. Desmond loves his big sister.

Look at that sweet face! He is such a little cutie pie!
After all of the excitement, Desmond completely passed out.
Well, it was a lot of fun and this is only about half of the pictures we got from the session. I know that I will appreciate having these moments captured forever. Sorry, this post was so long, but it was really mostly pictures!
These are fun and real pictures. Kids are funny little people. I love that Scarlett is her own person - strong, a leader, funny and sweet. You guys are truly blessed. Pooh
I just loved the pictures (almost as much as your narration of them). I love Scarlett's interest in Desmond. She is such a good big sister. These are great photos. Can't wait until one is hanging in my house somewhere(check is in the mail for it!!!)
Beautiful family and Scarlett and Desmond are precious. Can't wait to see the entire family. Jim and Esther
I'm glad the post was long. These are so cute, humorous, and just downright enjoyable. I enjoy them so much more because of the time I was able to spend down there last March and learn Scarlett's personality. I can just see her in all her stages of being a little character. She appears to love the baby doll as a second best if she can't have Desmond. Thank you.
The pictures are beautiful! I love the one of Desmond in the tub. He is way cute!
Just look at all my Booey Woos!!! Great post. And don't worry it's not our most expensive post yet—the car purchase and Disney World totally beat it. :)
Love the bathtime ones!
Love the pictures! I'm glad I found your blog!
Such a beautiful family! Your pictures turned out so well! I love that they were taken in your home. Congrats on the win! :)
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