Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Meal for Desmond

"This is a fun change.  What's this chair called?"

"Hmmm, I don't know what 'high chair' means, but I love being this high off the ground...oh wait..."
"What's that you got there?"

"What's Oatmeal Cereal?  Where's my bottle?  Quit messing around!" 

 "I can't focus with everyone staring at me like this."

"I haven't really decided about this "solid food" thing, but it IS fun having Sister and Daddy hang out with me!" 

"Hey Scarlett" 

"Listen Scarlett, the more I eat of this, the less I like it.  Will you tell Daddy to stop?" 

"Seriously, this is disgusting!  Make it stop!" 

"Maybe if turn my head like this, he'll forget I'm here.  (Look at how it clumps and clings to my finger!  Milk would never look so disgusting.)" 

"Nope, didn't work.  Scarlett, I need your help!  Sibling to sibling." 

 "No more, no more.  He doesn't like it!"

"Are you stopping Daddy?  He doesn't want anymore!" 

*Hack*  *Cough*  *Gag*  "What's the matter with you people?"

"At least I know you've always got my back."


Wes Harris said...

Super cute. You matched your little captions to their expressions perfectly. You make me laugh. Of course Desmond doesn't think it is quite as funny as I do but he'll come around … eventually.

Anonymous said...

This is the cutest one of all. I love your captions Jennifer. It is so sweet how Scarlett likes to be a part of everything with Desmond. I just can't wait to get there for Christmas.

Myrna said...

I enjoyed this immensely. Thanks