I will be starting business school soon and would like some help picking my look. This is very important to me, as I want to make a good impression. Please consider the options carefully and make your vote using the poll on the right of the blog. Thank you so much for your invaluable insight. I'm sure my year will start out right with your help.
Option C frightened me so badly that I am still shaking. For the good of the entire world, please shave.
Um, this is definitely a multiple choice test where all of the above is not the answer. I voted for A.
A looked tired and worn out, difinitely not up to the program.
B was frightening, like a criminal look.
C weird, digusting
D I loved it. You are excited and appear eager and ready to go. I voted for D of course. Now when you go for a job, use the excitement of D with the look of A.
Super Mom
C was definitely scarryy. I liked the look if A
Please, please, please, option A!
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