Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jennifer's Jaunty Movie Reviews

Last weekend, Wes and I watched a show called Remember Me. I've been thinking about it all week. This could be because I have VERY little social interaction right now! Whatever the reason, it really stuck with me. So, I decided to share my thoughts and opinions with my blog friends. I can't really discuss my feelings on this movie without talking about the ending. So, if you plan on watching it, you should probably stop reading now, because the ending will be spoiled (and that might decrease your enjoyment of the movie exponentially.)

I had heard of this movie and seen the trailers. However, I wasn't overly excited to see it. I think Rob makes an excellent Edward (most of the time) but I don't love him so much as an actor that I felt the need to rush out and see his newest flick. On a side note, I never thought the movie portrayal of Cedric Diggory did his character justice. Maybe that's got something to do with Rob's acting and maybe not...maybe it was just the screen play. Either way, this movie was not on my top to watch list. So, when it came in our Netflix, I had mediocre hopes for it and had no idea really what it was about. And I was pleasantly shocked and amazed.

The movie was all about people living real lives with real problems, just trying to make it from one day to the next. They had loved ones who died too young and too tragically. It was about families dealing with the fall out from death, divorce, depression . . . It centers around two young college kids who are both lonely and unhappy and they have their ups and downs. It seems like that's what the story's about. Two kids falling in love and growing up . . . and that would have been a fine movie. It wouldn't have been the first movie to have that as its premise. But in the end, this movie represents something much more. It represents one of the most tragic moments in US history. To me, it represented the lives lost. The people who were just people, just doing their thing, people having their own trials and successes only to have their time cut off too soon. I read some critics who thought it was a shameless ploy of forced emotion. I disagree. I thought they handled the catastrophe perfectly. We all saw the footage of those planes hitting the World Trade Center. We all saw the footage of people running and screaming. We all saw the footage of 1,000+ ft. tall buildings crash down to rubble. The makers of this movie knew that and they told us just what we needed to know. It ended before all that . . . leaving us with the knowledge of what came next. I love this movie because it was a portrayal of a nobody on September 11, 2001 in New York City and in doing that it represented everyone there that day; everyone who was in the Twin Towers and everyone who knew someone in the Twin Towers.

PG-13 for violence, sexual content, language and smoking


MsMkPink said...

Jennifer, I love your review. I had no idea it was about 9/11. I may just have to order from netflix and watch it myself.

Good job!!

Myrna said...

I don't care to see a 9/11 show. That was a most depressing day for me. It was my birthday and most the studentbody was wishing me happy birthday. Every birthday now, the Twin Towers is brought to my attention in one way or another. My husband now remembers my birthday because of it. The school secretary was able to help me accept my birthday by telling me that at least one good thing happened on 9/11. I asked her what, and her reply was "you were born." I thank the school secretary for that advice. I now have an improved attitude and can set the tragic Twin Towers on the sideline, but I don't forget.
I like your idea to have a movie review. We need to pass around good book titles and shows, along with the ratings, especially books since ratings aren't given to them.

Kurt and Courtney said...

Anyway...:) I am the suckiest friend on earth. And I bought stuff to make a birthday card but haven't actually put it all together yet, and I feel like a shmo. Loving the movie reviews and missing you and your darling little chub-chub more and more each day. I'm headed to Dallas tomorrow and will pretend I'm actually in Houston. Will call soon you little booey woo! Miss you all!

Wes Harris said...

I love your post sweetie. I agree this was a great movie about people, and helped me connect better individually with those who were involved in any way with the 9/11 tragedy.